Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Idek Know Any more.. [girls]

Even though the title might seem a little miss leading. But yeah, there was a girl that it seems i can never talk to when we are around other people, it always has to be one on one. And whenever  i try to speaking cant speak so i try to show her , like my girl Karina sang in ' Cant find the words':

"You Got Me Trippin`' Over Words You Got me Stuttering
And Like A Bad Dream, you Call Me out But You Don`t Hear me Speak.
And in Constantly, I Find Myself in this predicament
so let me show you ... baby...
'Cause Actions speak louder than Words..!"
-Karina,First Love,'Cant Find The Words'

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Brief intermission~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
KarinaPasian-02-big.jpg KarinaPasian-02-big.jpg image by scorpiad
Just to get off topic real quick, I`m a lil tight, SPEAKIN Of KARINA, that i did not get to see her perform.. usually there is a block party that HOT97 hosts on 146th street between 7th and 8th, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. right. I`ve been then since 11a.m. 2 about i give it 3 p.m. and my moms picked me to go to some church function that i had no idea about, and  i was there till 5. and Karina started singing at 4 or 3:30. But the point was i was so close to see the girl of my dreams on saturday, and my moms DEAD yanked that dream/chance out of my existence.
I was Tight. Im gonna meet her at one of her performances, Im Going to one eventually..!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back to regular Programming~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

i actually schedule/ plan what i want to say, because i know what i want to say, but i just don`t know how to say it to her. and i know we say we 'love' each other or whatever, but i just have a greatest fear that i might LOVE too hard. You ever saw the movie 'Hitch' with Will Smith? You ever saw the part when he was in college, That what I`m fearing.. lml

its pitiful, the regular BF, GF thing, but we don`t even go out.. lml
but basically  that constant dispute, :
me:"i love"
"her":"I Love yew More"
me:" Nah thats impossible"

i want THAT tew last forever... speaking of forever
dha video came out 4 dhat song!

 But i found out something AND  i dont think that she actualy loves me the way i love her,
but i cant act like Jay-z And swizz beatz and be "On To The Next One"
I love her.
i enjoy evry conversation with the sky..! oops, i said too much. lml
her beauty is just... has me speechless.
Ill get over it though.... i hope so...

keymahnee How?WORD!? ["this love is taking its toll on me"]



Director. Comedian. Songwriter. Lyricist. Psycho. Psychiatrist. mediater. proble creator [hardly].Photographer. Genius. These words all connect through one name: Kimani Howard [lml]
I Onliey Write To convey an emotion. If I Write it, there is a reason I Wrote it. I believe that music is based on moments, and that there are some moments that people may have missed back in the day. They may have even missed it a year ago. When I Write, I'm giving World a Chance To HearThe confessions Of A MadMan day by day, while simultaneously creating something new like a Greedy Genuius Does With His Inventions."I Grew Up Fascinated With Space, Instead of beeinq the man on the moon, im the life on marsz!!