Tuesday, August 18, 2009

icant believe they think they Lo[w] Yal (loyal)

are you loyal?
no ones as loyal as man`s best friend
man`s best friend is a dog
some people call men dogs
catch my drift?
[these are all major keywords.. keep them in mind while you read]

im saying your friends should be like your diarys, your ride or dies or whatever. nowadays. i dont feel the love .. where is the love? lml
google that song "where is the love"_BlackEyedPeas.. i think it goes with this whole post. never the less, on with the show!

Growing up i know MAD people that say do not join a gang. I never wanted to. i like all colours and if i cant wear a colour or I`ll get shot,or something like that, then I`ll take my chances in being neutral. And when you have no parental gaurdian or guardian in general you get taken in by the streets i guess you have know choice right? But I`ve seen the dirt. a kid well some teen older than me thinking that the hood had his back when he went to jail for years,i believe about two or so. they didnt even bother to visit once... smh. were they ashamed that they raised a kid with no supervision to live a life filled with ignorance and wrong choices? Now having a crime on his rap sheet? idk. But for him reality DID set in big time. so thats why im doin a broad dedication for people whom have been betrayed in ne way .. the title is not concrete but the topic should be true loyalty.. yeah i kindah like that as a title but ill prolly come up with something catchier lml.

its just like the relationship with black people and the police...
where are THEYwhen you need`em?
just kidding
[just to jump off topic real quick]
brief intermission:"Technology at its best"
the FIRST Sub enty ever![well my first by the way]
I remember when i was younger i loved video games.. still do. just not with a passion as strong. nut i remember i was with my uncle and older cousin and i said they should make a game with no countriollers so we can actually BE thde character in the game
not like making your own character with attributes and creating a face. i mean your movements are the movements on the screen. basically virtual reality without the helmet [hell met]
and thats what xbox and microsoft have accomplished
check it out!
poem:images [diabolical laughs]
my images stay in the hood like the grim reapers skull
its all good in the hood as long as we get along
do you know how it feel to run but remain in the same place?
over and over you always see the same faces
now rolling it over the cops are over your shoulder to make sure they finish they quota
it could be a brother thats pulling you over.. and herassing you
flickflashlight flasfing you nightstick bashing you after the fact asking you if you sell drugs or shoot like the rappers do
a nigger is the image we was given. we didnt like it from the beggining
now its in the records we are spinning. and being disrepesctful two our women
they can say i am a dog but cant say im not involved
its one of our biggest flaws but its all the we are taught
its all that we know, and its hard to disregard like playing in the snow with no clothes
so guess what black folks if you aint auditioning for a snail movie you dont have to act slow
Vice Lords Latin Kings unkowns on the street,
And there's Homo's on the street,OYG's YG's FDZ's on the street,God forbid when they meet,
PoPo is on the street,Crooked cops is the biggest gang on the block patroling the streets

~Keymahnee How?WORD!?

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Director. Comedian. Songwriter. Lyricist. Psycho. Psychiatrist. mediater. proble creator [hardly].Photographer. Genius. These words all connect through one name: Kimani Howard [lml]
I Onliey Write To convey an emotion. If I Write it, there is a reason I Wrote it. I believe that music is based on moments, and that there are some moments that people may have missed back in the day. They may have even missed it a year ago. When I Write, I'm giving World a Chance To HearThe confessions Of A MadMan day by day, while simultaneously creating something new like a Greedy Genuius Does With His Inventions."I Grew Up Fascinated With Space, Instead of beeinq the man on the moon, im the life on marsz!!